This Week: Songs You Need To Hear

This week we have a collection of new releases that are worthy of your attention. Break the chains of listening to the same three songs on repeat, and add some freshly picked ingredients to your musical diet. Dive in:

I. “You Make Me Wanna Fly” by Paul Zinnard

Paul Zinnard

First, we have a song from Paul Zinnard—rich with old school americana / rock vibes and good feels. Paul Zinnard is a singer-songwriter born in Spain. He is one of the most acclaimed voices of the Spanish underground scene. His new album FORMULA H will be available in all digital platforms on February 25, 2022. 

II. “Keep Them Guessing” by Tablefox


Next is a new indie rock ear worm from the UK-based band Tablefox. The track has an anthem feel and embodies the feel their fans have grown to know and love. If you haven’t heard them before, well, now you have. Enjoy.

III. “Alchemist” by Lunar Noon

Lunar Noon

This dreamy / jazz piece is an impressive body of vocal and instrumental work by Lunar Noon. Michelle Zheng, the voice and mind behind the project, fits the role perfectly with her spirited, soulful vocal approach. Lunar Noon releases their debut album on February 18th. 

IV. “Someone is trying to start a war” by PhenomeNow


The Israeli rockers PhenomeNow are up next (or now!) with their new, mystic-feeling acoustic rock single “Someone is trying to start a war”.  The song opening draws you in immediately with an undeniably catchy riff. It’s a brand new song, but it already has a long-time classic feel to it. 

V. “Mariposa” by Sam Miller

Sam Miller

Last, but far from least, is a beautiful piano piece by the multi-instrumentalist Sam Miller. I’ve heard it said that a good song will make itself a soundtrack to your own reflective thoughts. “Mariposa” will do just that for you, if you let it. The single precedes his full length album Lillies which is forthcoming this year. 


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