’68 Returns to The Radio Room


The ‘68

The Upstate has its share of local stages but it is hard to argue that no venue brings in more top notch local, regional, and national talent than The Radio Room. The marquee often overflows with shows starting as early as Wednesday or Thursday night and often rolls right through into Sunday evening. The Radio Room actually hosts over 200 shows per year with the all-time high being almost 260 in 2019. that’s an average of five shows per week at a single local venue.

All of this is to say that when co-owner/talent buyer Wes Gilliam told me that tonight’s headliner was “The best live band to ever play The Radio Room,” to say he had my attention would be an understatement.

The band in question is ’68, a simple two-person act delivering their own brand of stripped down, gritty, rock & roll with a punk rock mean streak. The volume and energy from just two artists begs a comparison to early White Stripes but it would be a touch unfair as, while both bands showcase unparalleled talent and vigor, the sound and style of each is all their own. Actually, consider this – the band’s name is inspired by lead singer and guitarist Josh Scogin’s father’s 1968 Camaro… picture that car and imagine what its modern-day soundtrack might sound like and I doubt you will find anything more fitting than ’68.

’68 is the brainchild of Scogin who started the band in 2013 after stints in Atlanta hardcore bands Norma Jean and The Chariot. This will be their third time visiting The Radio Room which means that they have been vetted not just once but twice by Gilliam before he declared them the best live act the venue has ever hosted. Even a cursory listen to their recorded material on Spotify clearly displays an attitude that you just know dials up to the proverbial 11 when they take the stage and I have no doubt in my mind that Gilliam’s assessment is accurate.

Just to sweeten the deal – as if it could get any better – local favorites of mine Luxx and Ill Intentions will be kicking off the evening for the perfect balance of local talent supporting a big touring name. Anyone who has read any two of my musings in this space has probably already been exposed to my feelings about these young up and coming artists but I have no plan to stop heaping praise on these young artists as they are the future of the local music scene. They deserve every ounce of recognition they receive and their own modern/alternative rock energy is going to serve as the perfect introduction to the housefire performance ’68 will headline the evening with.

Tickets for this show are $12 in advance and $15 day of sale but I have it on good authority that the day of sale tickets will not last long. ’68’s first two visits to Greenville were not just great shows but, also, the kind of performances that generate a ton of anticipation for their return. Compound that with Luxx and Ill Intention’s loyal local following and you have the makings of a show likely to sell out before the first act takes the stage. I would advise getting your tickets online now or accept the fact that at least one of your friends is going to text you Saturday morning to tell you what kind of show you missed.

Do not just take my word for it, take Wes Gilliam’s, or just hop on over to your preferred streaming service and get a taste for yourself. Whatever you do this weekend – as always – be safe and enjoy the show.


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