Beyond the numbers is the fact that even a casual scroll through any of the Upstate Music Awards’ categories offers fantastic insight to how rich the local scene is. You will see artists you think are shoe-in winners, followed by others that complicate that initial assumption, and plenty of artists that you might not have heard of but definitely deserve your attention. When I dove into this process last year, I would say that none of my initial top picks were still my number ones after I had listened to all of the nominees in a respective category. Case in point, this year’s Best Album category includes offerings from Shyland Flowers, Lo Indigo, and Maxx Good$ meaning that I cannot even pick my favorite local hip-hop album before even considering how that choice stacks up against the best rock, punk, metal, or folk albums. I try to avoid the snarky cliché “that’s what they call good problems,” but if there was ever a case where I can accept it, it is here.